Credit card chargeback reason codes are part of doing business. Merchants need to understand what these reason codes are, what they mean, and the impacts of these codes. The underlying problem with chargeback reason codes, however, is their level of complication. To...
Merchants have access to a seemingly unlimited amount of data. This data includes customer details, purchase history, risky accounts, your sales numbers, and more. While this data can be valuable, its value is lost when merchants don’t know how best to use this data....
It’s October and this means one thing: the holiday shopping season is fast approaching. For merchants this is a season of mixed blessings: peak sales bring with them peak fraud risk. The frequency of merchant security hacks at this time of the year is in itself...
Merchants walk a fine line with their chargeback fraud prevention strategy. Too strict and the false positive rate can do as much harm as chargeback fraud. Too lenient and the merchant is a target for savvy fraudsters. The solution lies in finding that perfect balance...
Fighting and preventing chargeback fraud is top-of-mind for merchants, credit card associations, issuing banks, and acquirers. In other words, everyone involved in the business of buying and selling wants to make sure that chargeback fraud is not hurting the industry....